Creation and handling of Package, Subpackage, Actor and Use Case objects
Tree view objects organization
Glossary definition
Requirements definition
Assign detailed attributes to every type of objects
Information about use case state, priority, complexity, etc.
Flow of events handling of use case
Prose rapresentation of use case
History handling of modification of state and implementation phases
Dynamic selection of defined objects during text creation and editing
References keeping between objects and textual instance
Automatic replace of names of objects in textual instances
Automatic removing of objects in textual instances
Save project into XML format
Export project into HTML multipages document
Export project into PDF document
Export project into RTF document
Export objects into XMI 1.1 format
Multilanguage support via XML configuration file
Packages, Actors and Use Cases can be reordered and renumbered
Dependency between use cases can be inserted into "Flow of events" section
Flow of events behaviour and user interface has been redesigned to improve usability
Version 2.0 features
- Model's elements are displayed into multiple concurrent child windows
- Fast element
window switching
- Search
and replace feature
- Use case triggers
- Stakeholders section
- Improved requirements section
- Author and owner company definition
- Simple localization file adding
- Tab and model tree visualization persistence
- Minor features behaviour has been corrected or improved